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camarillo old town glow SURVEY

How would you rate your overall experience at the Camarillo Old Town Glow?
How was your experience at the check-in location?
Did you enjoy the Holiday Village activities, including the train ride, light displays, and food vendors?
How satisfied were you with the organization of the event?
Did you find the inclusions (entrance to Holiday Village, Train Ride, and Snow) worth the ticket price?
Were you aware of the additional giveaway tickets available for purchase, and did you find them valuable?
Did you participate in the themed Gift Basket giveaway using Giveaway Tickets?
How satisfied were you with the variety and quality of the holiday food and drink vendors?
How convenient was the event timing (from 4 PM to 9 PM) for you?
Are you interested in learning more about the Camarillo Old Town Association and the various initiatives and events we offer?
Would you be interested in volunteering at future community events organized by the Camarillo Old Town Association?
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